非会員アドレスが return-path にあるとshuntする問題



   del msg['errors-to']
   del msg['return-path']
   msg['Errors-To'] = envsender

del msg['return-path'] の一行を追加してみた。

Anonymouse List の From: へ「(氏名)Full_name」を表示したい


Mailman 2.1.14 /usr/local/mailman/Mailman/Handlers/Cleanse.py

# Copyright (C) 1998-2006 by the Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# NAGAE version
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,
# USA.

"""Cleanse certain headers from all messages."""

import re

from email.Utils import formataddr

from Mailman.Utils import unique_message_id
from Mailman.Logging.Syslog import syslog
from Mailman.Handlers.CookHeaders import uheader

def process(mlist, msg, msgdata):
    # Always remove this header from any outgoing messages.  Be sure to do
    # this after the information on the header is actually used, but before a
    # permanent record of the header is saved.
    del msg['approved']
    # Remove this one too.
    del msg['approve']
    # And these too.
    del msg['x-approved']
    del msg['x-approve']
    # Also remove this header since it can contain a password
    del msg['urgent']
    # We remove other headers from anonymous lists
    if mlist.anonymous_list:
        syslog('post', 'post to %s from %s anonymized',
               mlist.internal_name(), msg.get('from'))
        del msg['from']
        del msg['reply-to']
        del msg['sender']
        del msg['return-path']
        # Hotmail sets this one
        del msg['x-originating-email']
        # And these can reveal the sender too
        del msg['received']
        # And so can the message-id so replace it.
        del msg['message-id']
        msg['Message-ID'] = unique_message_id(mlist)

        for sender in msg.get_senders():
            if mlist.isMember(sender):
            sender = msg.get_sender()
        i18ndesc = str(uheader(mlist, mlist.getMemberName(sender), 'From'))
        if i18ndesc == '':
            i18ndesc = str(uheader(mlist, mlist.description, 'From'))
        msg['From'] = formataddr((i18ndesc, mlist.GetListEmail()))

        msg['Reply-To'] = mlist.GetListEmail()
        uf = msg.get_unixfrom()
        if uf:
            uf = re.sub(r'\S*@\S*', mlist.GetListEmail(), uf)
    # Some headers can be used to fish for membership
    del msg['return-receipt-to']
    del msg['disposition-notification-to']
    del msg['x-confirm-reading-to']
    # Pegasus mail uses this one... sigh
    del msg['x-pmrqc']


mail addressは隠したいが氏名を表示したい。

A:他で anonymous_list を利用していないのであれば、anonymous_list の挙動そのものを変更するというのはどうでしょうか?

http://mailman.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/mailman/tags/Release_2_1_9/Mailman/Handlers/Cleanse.py?view=markup のソースでいうと、

39行目の del msg['from'] の前に、
       from email.Utils import parseaddr
       senderfullname = parseaddr(msg.get('from'))[0]
       msg['From'] = formataddr((senderfullname, mlist.GetListEmail()))



From: へ「(氏名)Full_name」を表示したい

http://mm.tkikuchi.net/pipermail/mmjp-users/2007-October/002171.html はじめまして。永江と申します。

このたび Mailman を使ってメーリングリストを作成したのですが、 anonymous_list の挙動が希望に合わなかったのでパッチを作成しました。 ご意見いただけると幸いです。

私の希望としては、保存書庫は公開したいのですが、メンバーの メールアドレスは(部外者には)公開したくないというものでした。

anonymous_list を設定すると、送信者関係のヘッダはメーリングリスト 自身になるよう設定されます。私の希望と比較すると、これはやりすぎで、 メールアドレスだけ隠して、どのメンバーから送信されたかわかる程度の 情報は残したいのです。特に保存書庫の一覧表示で、差出人として リスト定義の description の文字列が並ぶのはいただけません。

検討した結果、メールアドレスは現在の挙動のままとして、 description のかわりに、会員情報として登録した realname をつける ことにしました。

Mailman 2.1.9 には、このような設定は用意されていないようだったので、 添付のパッチを適用しています。簡単にするために anonymous_list の 処理を上書きしてしまいましたが、0/1 に加えて第 3 のオプションとして 提供されるのがベターだと思っています。

「実はパッチなしでも実現できる」「そのパッチはこう修正すべき」 「そもそもの考えがおかしい」などなどご意見あればお聞かせください。 よろしくお願いします。

# 特に Python を書くのは初めてなので言語的に変かもしれません

*** mailman-2.1.9/Mailman/Handlers/Cleanse.py.orig	Mon Jan 16 06:01:35 2006
--- mailman-2.1.9/Mailman/Handlers/Cleanse.py	Sun Sep 30 17:53:54 2007
*** 41,47 ****
          del msg['sender']
          # Hotmail sets this one
          del msg['x-originating-email']
!         i18ndesc = str(uheader(mlist, mlist.description, 'From'))
          msg['From'] = formataddr((i18ndesc, mlist.GetListEmail()))
          msg['Reply-To'] = mlist.GetListEmail()
      # Some headers can be used to fish for membership
--- 41,54 ----
          del msg['sender']
          # Hotmail sets this one
          del msg['x-originating-email']
!         for sender in msg.get_senders():
!             if mlist.isMember(sender):
!                 break
!         else:
!             sender = msg.get_sender()
!         i18ndesc = str(uheader(mlist, mlist.getMemberName(sender), 'From'))
!         if i18ndesc == '':
!             i18ndesc = str(uheader(mlist, mlist.description, 'From'))
          msg['From'] = formataddr((i18ndesc, mlist.GetListEmail()))
          msg['Reply-To'] = mlist.GetListEmail()
      # Some headers can be used to fish for membership



anonymous_list を使うと、書庫がすべて同じ送信者名になるので、 やり取りを理解しにくくなるのが難点です。

[mmjp-users 2171] で書いたとおり、リスト単位の設定を考えると anonymous_list に選択肢を追加するのが良さそうなのですが、 Web の管理画面なども含めて考えるとなかなか手が出ません。

永江 英武 nagae @ xxxxxxxx Nagae Hidetake http://www.eagan.jp/nagae/

-------------- next part --------------
*** Mailman/Handlers/Cleanse.py.orig	Mon Jan 16 06:01:35 2006
--- Mailman/Handlers/Cleanse.py	Thu Feb 28 20:52:46 2008
*** 32,37 ****
--- 32,38 ----
      del msg['approve']
      # Also remove this header since it can contain a password
      del msg['urgent']
+     msgdata['orig-sender'] = msg.get('from')
      # We remove other headers from anonymous lists
      if mlist.anonymous_list:
          syslog('post', 'post to %s from %s anonymized',
*** Mailman/Handlers/Decorate.py.orig	Sat Jun 24 05:03:32 2006
--- Mailman/Handlers/Decorate.py	Fri Feb 29 06:09:18 2008
*** 41,46 ****
--- 41,57 ----
      if msgdata.get('isdigest') or msgdata.get('nodecorate'):
      d = {}
+     lcset = Utils.GetCharSet(mlist.preferred_language)
+     from email.Utils import parseaddr
+     sender_parsed = parseaddr(msgdata['orig-sender'])
+     d['sender_address'] = sender_parsed[1]
+     d['sender_fullname'] = d['sender_address']
+     if sender_parsed[0] != '':
+         d['sender_fullname'] = Utils.oneline(sender_parsed[0], lcset)
+     d['sender_nickname'] = d['sender_fullname']
+     if mlist.isMember(sender_parsed[1]):
+         if mlist.getMemberName(sender_parsed[1]) != None:
+             d['sender_nickname'] = mlist.getMemberName(sender_parsed[1])
      if msgdata.get('personalize'):
          # Calculate the extra personalization dictionary.  Note that the
          # length of the recips list better be exactly 1.
*** Mailman/Gui/Digest.py.orig	Sat Aug 27 10:40:17 2005
--- Mailman/Gui/Digest.py	Thu Feb 28 20:49:49 2008
*** 27,32 ****
--- 27,33 ----
  # to this.
  ALLOWEDS = ('real_name', 'list_name', 'host_name', 'web_page_url',
              'description', 'info', 'cgiext', '_internal_name',
+             'sender_fullname', 'sender_address', 'sender_nickname',


-------------- next part --------------
*** Mailman/Handlers/Cleanse.py.orig	Mon Jan 16 06:01:35 2006
--- Mailman/Handlers/Cleanse.py	Thu Feb 28 20:52:46 2008
*** 32,37 ****
--- 32,38 ----
      del msg['approve']
      # Also remove this header since it can contain a password
      del msg['urgent']
+     msgdata['orig-sender'] = msg.get('from')
      # We remove other headers from anonymous lists
      if mlist.anonymous_list:
          syslog('post', 'post to %s from %s anonymized',
*** Mailman/Handlers/Decorate.py.orig	Sun Sep 30 16:11:02 2007
--- Mailman/Handlers/Decorate.py	Fri Feb 29 06:40:05 2008
*** 41,46 ****
--- 41,61 ----
      if msgdata.get('isdigest') or msgdata.get('nodecorate'):
      d = {}
+     lcset = Utils.GetCharSet(mlist.preferred_language)
+     from email.Utils import parseaddr
+     sender_parsed = parseaddr(msgdata['orig-sender'])
+     d['sender_address'] = sender_parsed[1]
+     d['sender_fullname'] = d['sender_address']
+     if sender_parsed[0] != '':
+         d['sender_fullname'] = Utils.oneline(sender_parsed[0], lcset)
+     d['sender_nickname'] = d['sender_fullname']
+     if mlist.isMember(sender_parsed[1]):
+         nickname = mlist.getMemberName(sender_parsed[1])
+         if nickname != None and nickname != '':
+             try:
+                 d['sender_nickname'] = nickname.encode(lcset)
+             except (AttributeError, UnicodeError):
+                 d['sender_nickname'] = d['sender_fullname']
      if msgdata.get('personalize'):
          # Calculate the extra personalization dictionary.  Note that the
          # length of the recips list better be exactly 1.
*** Mailman/Gui/Digest.py.orig	Sat Aug 27 10:40:17 2005
--- Mailman/Gui/Digest.py	Thu Feb 28 20:49:49 2008
*** 27,32 ****
--- 27,33 ----
  # to this.
  ALLOWEDS = ('real_name', 'list_name', 'host_name', 'web_page_url',
              'description', 'info', 'cgiext', '_internal_name',
+             'sender_fullname', 'sender_address', 'sender_nickname',


 1018  16:05   cp /usr/Backups/Guard/usr/local/mailman/Mailman/Handlers/Cleanse.py_TFC /usr/local/mailman/Mailman/Handlers/
 1019  16:08   cp /usr/local/mailman/Mailman/Handlers/Cleanse.py /usr/local/mailman/Mailman/Handlers/Cleanse.py_dist
 1020  16:09   diff /usr/Backups/Guard/usr/local/mailman/Mailman/Handlers/Cleanse.py_dist /usr/local/mailman/Mailman/Handlers/Cleanse.py_dist
 1021  16:10   cp /usr/local/mailman/Mailman/Handlers/Cleanse.py_TFC /usr/local/mailman/Mailman/Handlers/Cleanse.py
 1022  16:11   history

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