Lastmodified 2022-06-28 (火) 17:11:07

[1/1] Deinstalling apache24-2.4.53_2...
[1/1] Deleting files for apache24-2.4.53_2: 100%
You may need to manually remove /usr/local/etc/apache24/extra/httpd-default.conf if it is no longer needed.
You may need to manually remove /usr/local/etc/apache24/extra/httpd-info.conf if it is no longer needed.
You may need to manually remove /usr/local/etc/apache24/extra/httpd-mpm.conf if it is no longer needed.
You may need to manually remove /usr/local/etc/apache24/extra/httpd-ssl.conf if it is no longer needed.
You may need to manually remove /usr/local/etc/apache24/httpd.conf if it is no longer needed.
===>  License APACHE20 accepted by the user
===>   apache24-2.4.53_2 depends on file: /usr/local/sbin/pkg - found
===> Fetching all distfiles required by apache24-2.4.53_2 for building

portupgrade -r --batcj apache24-2.4.39_1


eval: /usr/local/bin/nm: not found


原因は、/usr/local/bin/nm の実体が無いため。

/usr/bin/nm は存在するため、

# cp /usr/bin/nm /usr/local/bin/ 



                      H E A D S - U P
  The default version was changed from www/apache22 to www/apache24,
  pre-build apache modules will also reflect this!

  In case ports are build by yourself and apache22 is required
  use the following command to keep apache22 as default

  echo "DEFAULT_VERSIONS+=apache=2.2" >> /etc/make.conf


埋め込み cgiが動作しない

/usr/local/etc/apache24 コメントを外すヨロシ

<IfModule !mpm_prefork_module>
	LoadModule cgid_module libexec/apache24/
<IfModule mpm_prefork_module>
	LoadModule cgi_module libexec/apache24/




### Add the AcceptPathInfo directive only for Apache 2.0.30 or later.
 Alias /joomla /usr/local/www/joomla3/
 AcceptPathInfo On
 <Directory "/usr/local/www/joomla3/">
     AllowOverride None
     Order Allow,Deny
     Allow from all
     Require all granted
     #Order Allow,Deny
     #Allow from all


### Add the AcceptPathInfo directive only for Apache 2.0.30 or later.
 Alias /joomla /usr/local/www/joomla3/
 AcceptPathInfo On
 <Directory /usr/local/www/joomla3>
     AllowOverride None
     Require all granted
     #Order Allow,Deny
     #Allow from all

root@g7:/usr/ports/www/mod_python3 # make install
===>  ap24-mod_python-3.3.1_3 is marked as broken: : Error from apache24 is installed
(or APACHE_PORT is defined) and port requires apache22 at most.
*** [install] Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/www/mod_python3.

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