Lastmodified 2022-05-28 (土) 11:57:53

panic: XSUB Socket6::getaddrinfo (Socket6.c) failed to extend arg stack


Process Backgrounded
2022/05/19-08:20:08 Munin::Node::Server (type Net::Server::Fork) starting! pid(3962)
2022/05/19-08:20:08 panic: XSUB Socket6::getaddrinfo (Socket6.c) failed to extend arg stack: base=801a12518, sp=801a12570, hwm=801a12558

 at line 78 in file /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/Net/Server/
2022/05/19-08:20:08 Server closing!


[FATAL] There is nothing to do here, since there are no nodes with any plugins.  Please refer to at /usr/local/share/munin/munin-html line 38.


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