Lastmodified 2018-08-21 (火) 14:11:36

=> 'x11/xorgproto'


damageproto-1.2.1           <  needs updating (port has 2018.4) (=> 'x11/xorgproto')
dri2proto-2.8               <  needs updating (port has 2018.4) (=> 'x11/xorgproto')
dri3proto-1.0               <  needs updating (port has 2018.4) (=> 'x11/xorgproto')
fixesproto-5.0              <  needs updating (port has 2018.4) (=> 'x11/xorgproto')
glproto-1.4.17              <  needs updating (port has 2018.4) (=> 'x11/xorgproto')
kbproto-1.0.7               <  needs updating (port has 2018.4) (=> 'x11/xorgproto')
libX11-1.6.5,1              <  needs updating (port has 1.6.5_1,1)
libXfixes-5.0.3             <  needs updating (port has 5.0.3_1)
libXft-2.3.2_1              <  needs updating (port has 2.3.2_2)
libXrender-0.9.10           <  needs updating (port has 0.9.10_1)
libXt-1.1.5,1               <  needs updating (port has 1.1.5_1,1)
presentproto-1.1            <  needs updating (port has 2018.4) (=> 'x11/xorgproto')
printproto-1.0.5            <  needs updating (port has 2018.4) (=> 'x11/xorgproto')
py27-sqlite3-2.7.15_7       <  needs updating (port has 3.7.0_7)
renderproto-0.11.1          <  needs updating (port has 2018.4) (=> 'x11/xorgproto')
xf86vidmodeproto-2.3.1      <  needs updating (port has 2018.4) (=> 'x11/xorgproto')
xproto-7.0.31               <  needs updating (port has 2018.4) (=> 'x11/xorgproto')
vulnxml file up-to-date
openjpeg-2.3.0 is vulnerable:
OpenJPEG -- multiple vulnerabilities
CVE: CVE-2018-6616
CVE: CVE-2018-5785
CVE: CVE-2018-5727
CVE: CVE-2017-17480
CVE: CVE-2017-17479

1 problem(s) in the installed packages found.
# pkg delete xproto-7.0.31
 # pkg delete damageproto-1.2.1  dri2proto-2.8  dri3proto-1.0 fixesproto-5.0 glproto-1.4.17 kbproto-1.0.7 presentproto-1.1 printproto-1.0.5 renderproto-0.11.1 xf86vidmodeproto-2.3.1 xproto-7.0.31
# portinstall x11/xorgproto  
Fetching metadata signature for 11.1-RELEASE from done.
Fetching metadata index... done.
Inspecting system... done.
Preparing to download files... done.

No updates needed to update system to 11.1-RELEASE-p11.
No updates are available to install.
Run '/usr/sbin/freebsd-update fetch' first.
Looking up mirrors... 6 mirrors found.
Fetching snapshot tag from done.
Ports tree hasn't changed since last snapshot.
No updates needed.
Ports tree is already up to date.
[Reading data from pkg(8) ... - 397 packages found - done]
py27-sqlite3-2.7.15_7       <  needs updating (port has 3.7.0_7)
vulnxml file up-to-date
openjpeg-2.3.0 is vulnerable:
OpenJPEG -- multiple vulnerabilities
CVE: CVE-2018-6616
CVE: CVE-2018-5785
CVE: CVE-2018-5727
CVE: CVE-2017-17480
CVE: CVE-2017-17479

1 problem(s) in the installed packages found.

Total access 1681:本日 2:昨日 0

Counter: 1681, today: 2, yesterday: 0

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