Lastmodified 2016-01-27 (水) 09:00:57

R22 BetaII SP2

Auto-Rotation Practice Power Recovery

オートローテーションの演習 動力回復

1. Lower Collective to down stop and adjust throttle as required for small tachometer needle separation.

2. Raise collective as required to keep rotor RPM from going above green arc and adjust throttle for small needle separation.

3. Keep RPM in green arc and Keep airspeed from 60 to 70 KIAS.

4. At about 40 feet AGL (Above Ground Level), begin cyclic flare to reduce rate of descent and forward speed.

5. At about 8 feet AGL, apply forward cyclic to level aircraft and raise collective to stop descent. Add throttle if required to keep RPM in green arc.



3.緑の弧の上に回転数を維持し、対気速度を60〜70 KIASに維持します。


5.約8フィートで、サイクリックを前に倒して機体を水平に戻し、コレクティブを上げ、降下を停めます。 必要であれば、スロットルを開け、緑の円弧に回転数を維持します。

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